Concrete Driveway showing before and after Painting

DIY Driveway Makeover: Transform Your Home's Entry with a Budget-Friendly Facelift

Your driveway is the first impression visitors have of your home, but over time, it can fade, become dirty and discoloured and lose its appeal. The good news is that you can revitalise your driveway or coloured concrete areas with a simple and cost-effective DIY project. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the steps to achieve professional-looking results for under $500, adding substantial value to your home. WATCH THE VIDEO or read on….

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

Start by setting up a dedicated paint preparation area. By this we mean placing a dropsheet down on an area out of the way, or a large piece of cardboard (something you can slide around or move easily). Collect all the necessary equipment, including mould killer, cleaner, scrubbing brush, caution tape, paint brushes, rollers, non-slip additive, concrete etch and your chosen paint product or sealer. If the surface has mould, treat it with a mould destroyer. For new concrete, consider etching it with acid or a concrete etch powder to enhance paint or sealer adhesion.

Step 2: Surface Preparation

Clean the surface thoroughly with the concentrated outdoor cleaner and a stiff bristle scrubber brush on a pole. Rinse well with a high-pressure hose or cleaner like Karcher or Guerni. This step is crucial for ensuring a clean and grime free surface for your paint or sealer.

Step 3: Applying Paint or Sealer

If the surface is clean and dry, start applying 2-3 coats of your chosen paint or sealer, following the specified drying times between coats. Check the weather forecast and choose a weekend with optimal conditions for the job. Use caution tape to block off the area, preventing foot traffic and vehicles from interfering with the drying process.

Step 4: Expert Advice

If you're unsure about any step or want personalised guidance, don't hesitate to make contact with our knowledgeable team. Bring in photos of your project, and we'll provide the correct steps to ensure a successful DIY driveway makeover.


Transforming your driveway doesn't have to be a daunting task or break the bank. With the right materials, preparation, and a bit of DIY spirit, you can turn your faded or worn-out driveway into a standout feature that adds significant value to your home. Follow these simple steps, and soon your home could be the envy of the street, all for a minimal cost and a weekend of dedicated effort. Happy painting!

Browse and buy these products for driveways and paved areas here

Painted Concrete Driveway


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